Fortissimi Una|Stronger Together
Endemic Knowledge- Measles
Canada is experiencing an increase in measles cases, with 69 cases identified in 2024. This increase is partly due to unvaccinated immigrants. ITPs can use their experience with treating measles in endemic regions, to help provide culturally sensitive education about the importance of immunization.

Global prevalence: there were 320,000 cases of measles diagnosed in 2023.
Due to COVID-19 and vaccine hesitancy , many children were left unvaccinated for the MMR vaccine, resulting in a global outbreak of measles. Over 61 million doses of measles vaccine were missed from 2020 to 2022. The delay occurs due to COVID-19 restrictions. In Canada cases usually stemming from unvaccinated immigrants coming to canada.
Prevalence in Canada: Canada is seeing an increase in measles cases, so far there are 69 cases of measles that have been identified in 2024.
Disease: Measles (DONE)
Prevalence in Canada:
Canada is experiencing an increase in measles cases, with 69 cases identified in 2024. This increase is partly due to unvaccinated immigrants.
Prevalence in Source Countries:
Globally, there were 320,000 measles cases diagnosed in 2023. Vaccine hesitancy and COVID-19 restrictions led to over 61 million missed measles vaccine doses from 2020 to 2022.
ITPs can help address measles outbreaks by promoting vaccination and providing culturally sensitive education about the importance of immunization. Their understanding of the disease in endemic regions can enhance public health responses and reduce the spread of measles.